Category Archives: Seo

Important Things To Follow To Become A Successful Webblogger

Important Things To Follow To Become A Successful Webblogger

Important Things To Follow To Become A Successful Webblogger

A web log is a website where a user (a blog owner) post his/her entries in chronological order (commonly displayed in reverse chronological order). Blogs can be created and maintained ranging from different subjects, topics, commentary, news to personal interests like online diaries, photo albums, etc. A blog mainly combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic with the important ability for the readers to leave comments on the postings. Mainly the blogs are created as textual but some blooger focus also create blogs on art (artlog), photographs (photoblog), sketchblog, videos (vlog), music (MP3 blog), audio (podcasting).

Anybody can start and own a blog of his/her interest and post some relevant articles but the fact is very few people can successfully pull it off. Anybody who want to become a successful blogger, he/she need to know some important things:

1. Passion for the Topic
If you choose a topic you love, your passion will show through. If you choose a topic you don’t know much about only because of the high paying keywords, that will be apparent as well.

2. Creative and Innovative
You’re going to need to update your blog, at the very least, several times a week. A successful blogger is creative enough to come up with fresh, engaging content every time.

3. Good Idea
Not the same idea as everyone else. Not a copycat of someone else’s blog. But your own unique, good idea. If you want to make it as a blogger, you have to have great content and a fresh idea.

4. Good Work Ethic
If you think blogging is just writing a quick five minute post and forgetting about it until next time, you couldn’t be more wrong. You’re going to spend hours on your blog designing it, writing it, promoting it and more. Most bloggers spend two to five hours on each blog every day.

5. Able to Work Alone
Most bloggers work alone. You have to be able to shut out all of the distractions of home or the coffee shop and concentrate on creating a good post.

6. Notebook
You’re going to come up with ideas at the oddest times. What if you’re not close to your computer? It’s helpful to have a notebook or PDA handy so you can jot down ideas.

7. Thick Skin
You’re going to be flamed, you’re going to be trolled and people are going to pick your blog posts apart and call you names. You can let it get to you or you can develop a thick skin.

8. Thriving Social Network
It helps to have people to talk to, network with, and shoot ideas off of. This will not only help to eliminate the loneliness some probloggers experiences, but by interacting with others you’re sure to come up with fresh new ideas.

9. Motivation
What keeps you motivated? Passion for your topic? Advertising revenue? The adoration of your public? Whatever it is, channel it and use it to keep you driven.

10. Longevity
Blogging isn’t a fly by night operation. If you want to succeed, if you want your readers to trust your name, you’ll want your blogs to last through the ages. The most successful blogs have been around for a few years. It’s the people who cut bait and run after two months of blogging that fail.

11. Vision for Long Term
Do you have a plan? Where do you see your blog two years from now? Five years? Ten? A successful blogger has the ability to see into the future. I’m not saying you know exactly what you’re going to blog about, but you’ll need to think about how your blog is going to succeed for years to come.

12. The Ability to Work Odd Hours
Blogging isn’t exactly a 9 to 5 gig. Ideas hit at any time. Many probloggers even work well into the night or the wake at the crack of dawn to fit blogging into a busy day.

13. Willingness to Learn New Things
As a blogger you want to continue to feed your readers new information. This means you’ll have to set a portion of your day aside to read other blogs, books, magazines and websites in your niche.

14. Open Minded
Sometimes bloggers need to completely change their line of thinking. What might have worked a year ago, doesn’t work now. Tools and techniques become obsolete. Keep an open mind, don’t be afraid to admit defeat and always be on the lookout for new trends and ideas.

15. Teaching Ability
Blogging isn’t about talking about yourself. It’s about sharing what you know with someone else. Many bloggers are teachers, not story tellers. Though the ability to tell a story is also something a successful blogger must possess.

16. Patience
Patience always pays off and similarly blogging isn’t instant gratification. It also takes time and patience to build up a successful blog. And if you wish to have instant pay out, stick with copywriting.

21 Internet Marketing Skills Needed For Implementing A Project

21 Internet Marketing Skills

21 Internet Marketing Skills

What internet Marketing skills does you team need to have to successfully implement an online marketing project?

I have been asked this repeated by several people. This is difficult to answer unless you are clear about your internet marketing requirements.

Are you looking to hire people full time and build a team in house (recruit or hire skills approach) or are you looking to just execute a campaign using a team either using a vendor or team of freelancers (rent skills approach).

  •     What is your overall strategy?
  •     What is your goal for the campaign, website and business?
  •     What is the plan of action and how are you going to implement it?
  •     Do you want your team members to learn new internet marketing skills?
  •     what resources (funding, skills, people and time) do you already have and what do you need for this campaign?

You need to have the answers to the above questions and a lot of others questions as well that would give you clarity about your requirements.

Based on your requirements you can make a list of internet marketing skills required for your campaign and business.

There is an internet marketing skills shortage in the market (I am talking about highly experienced and specialized skills). Therefore, the demand is huge and the supply is short. As a business owner this would make things difficult for you.

Below, you would find an internet marketing skills list. This is not comprehensive by any means but, just gives you an overview of the skills needed for internet marketing in general.

For a small or medium sized firm, the team needed would be pretty small (less than 10 people) who just take care of core activities and nothing else.

It would take a core team of professionals with essential skills to get all of your work done.

The team size and skill set required would also vary depending on your campaign requirements. So, here it is…
This is a list of the online marketing skills that you would need in order to implement an internet marketing project:

1: Content writers – On page/site content and off page content
2:- Copywriters
3:- Web designers
4:- Graphics designers
5:- Researcher
6:- Analyst
7:- Programmer
8:- Project manger
9:- SEO specialist
10:- Link builders
11:- Social media marketing managers
12:- Conversion rate specialist
13:- Researcher
14:- Email specialist
15:- User experience specialist
16:- Paid traffic specialist
17:- Traffic generation specialist
18:- Online marketing strategy
19:- E-commerce specialist
20:- Communications specialist
21:- Customer service specialist

Not every online marketing project needs all of these skills. You would need just a few of them that are required for the project at hand. However, we have provided here a list of skills or disciplines in online marketing that you can use as reference if you are trying to build a team that can handle any type of online marketing project.

5 SEO Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Seo Mistakes

5 SEO Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Every website needs SEO techniques within their digital marketing strategy to ensure visitors are attracted to it. With so many potential marketing mistakes, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Digital marketing takes time; however, when done properly it can propel your website to success.

1. Not following basic SEO practices

Utilizing the basics of SEO digital marketing can do a lot for your website. These simple digital marketing practices get your website to a higher page in search engines and attract new people.

Things to always do:

  • Optimizing blog photos should occur each time you make a post.
  • Ideally, pages (including blog posts) should include 400-800 words. Anything less than 300 words is generally frowned upon by the Google Gods. Sometimes pages simply cannot contain any more information, but do your best to have this many words on a page. That isn’t to say that you should fill pages with nonsense words, however.
  • Measure your content marketing. If you continue to use SEO techniques and they aren’t working, yet you aren’t checking up on things – you’ll just keep wasting your time.
  • You need a blog. If you don’t have one, find a way to start one. It’s the most basic way to increase your SEO.
  • Use the right language in your blog and website. This includes SEO techniques, making it readable for your audience and including personality in posts.
  • Ensure that the URL of your page has been changed to include your keywords. Fill out your meta description and keyword sections in the backend each website page.

2.  Using Blacklisting Techniques

You can try to cheat the system and increase your page rank by doing various blacklisting techniques, but beware – Google will eventually figure it out and your website will then be ignored by the search engine. It’s always best to do things the right way. Quick results can be purchased, but the longevity of their success is usually minimal. Avoid keyword stuffing, buying links or joining the wrong link directories.

3. Using only images for headings

Images might look better for headings and menus, but they sometimes aren’t great for SEO techniques. Search engines like text, so include keywords in your headings when possible.

4. Writing boring content

We cannot stress this enough. Boring content is a digital marketing mistake that will lose you visitors. Writing a bunch of boring blogs might increase your page rank, but your bounce rate will be sky high, which won’t get you any conversions. You want people to read your content and enjoy it enough that they’ll explore other areas of your website. Also, don’t use duplicate content and simply switch out the keyword. This is another SEO technique that Google dislikes.

5. Performing SEO techniques once and never again

Digital marketing is an ongoing process, thus your SEO techniques should be maintained. Keep up with keyword trends, pay attention to your traffic and note what is and is not working, optimize new pages as they are created and check SEO throughout the site if you conduct updates to the website. SEO digital marketing is not a set it and forget it practice. To continuously see results, you have to continuously work at it.